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What Happens When We Cry To God!

Cry Out To God And Pray:

We can say that one of the most important aspects of human life is the exchange of words between people. Communication is an important step in understanding the inner thoughts of others. God said if we want to know His thoughts, He urges us to open our mouths, cry out and pray. Then He promises to share the secret no one else knows.

The new and the old testaments are filled with people‟s cries and prayers and God‟s answers to those earnest prayers. Whether as a group, a family, or individually, when we pray out loud and cry out to God we will always receive the proper answers to the matter at hand. God takes the opportunity to personally intervene when we are fervently crying out to him. The Bible states that when we cry out to God he will say, “Here I am” (Isaiah 58:9) KJV and the Lord is never far away, but is always near.

Jeremiah, as a prophet, spent his lifetime crying out for his nation and people. But, if it was not Jeremiah who prayed to God, God would have chosen someone else to take Jeremiah‟s place. When we study the prophets and their work in the Bible, we see their lives were lived exclusively as servants of God.

God is always looking for people who fit appropriately for the particular time frame we live in. When He finds the right servant, He will give the power, and the Holy Spirit will pour down the anointing oil utilizing the individual mightily. How each is used depends on the size of their spiritual bowl, but we must be thankful that we are called by God to be used; therefore, we must faithfully devote ourselves to that call.

In this life we can be used by God for a short moment or our lives can be used entirely until death. On that account, if we want to be used for a long time we must live according to His plan without changing. “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work” (2 Timothy 2:20-21) KJV.

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