Have you heard of the end-time prophecies? Have you heard that the United States of America was supposed to come to an end of her joyous freedom and happiness (Max Earthquake, Judgement) but the Lord shows mercy and grace as long as we continue to repent and change? Will you be ready for the Lord's Coming to get His Bride from Earth? Are you one of those Brides or Grooms? Are you the Sons or Daughters of Zion? The other day, the Lord was with me when I read the book of Lamentation that has five chapters. The Holy Spirit led me to understand what the Lord is saying to His Children on repentance. We have sinned so many times against the Lord, against Heaven and ourselves. God wants us to change, be cleansed and washed in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. We have to recognize that we are sinners, we have to understand disobedience meaning we are keeping distance from God Almighty. God wants us to change and surrender back to Him. The other day, I was reading Sister Susan Davis books written by Sister Susan Davis and inspired by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, please connect with her online Facebook or purchase her books on amazon.com/ I have been hearing from the Lord Jesus Christ to connect online with the Mighty Prophet David Owour ; REPENT AND PREPARE THE WAY by Facebook, Website, YouTube.
God has been showing me that in this end time, everything spoken by the Prophets of the bible comes to passed unless we repent and change never again returning back to our old lives. Please see your bible online or at home on referencing these chapters, Matthew 23, 24, 25; Lamentation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Joel 1, 2, 3 Exodus 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21; Deuteronomy 28.
Please see below for the most updated prophecies of the Prophet David Owour.
Prophecies of the LORD to the United States of America, (U.S.A.) by THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD JEHOVAH YAHWEH, THE YAHWEH OF HOSTS, THE TWO DEADLY DREADFUL WITNESSES OF REVELATION 11, THE TWO MOST GLORIFIED PROPHETS OF HEAVEN, Exodus 23:20, Deuteronomy 18:18, Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, Malachi 4:4-6, THE TWO WITNESSES of Revelation 11.
by THE TWO MEGA ANCIENT PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, THE MOST FEARFUL MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD, THE ONE THAT CALLED DOWN THE CLOUD OF GOD FROM HEAVEN, AND REPEATED THE EVENTS OF MT. CARMEL IN 1 KINGS 18 Live via jesusislordradio.info. Blessed people. THE LORD JEHOVAH has taken me to the Untied States of America. And I see a series of judgments coming to the USA. THE LORD brings me into a house, and inside that office space someone was submitting research grants. These were NIH grants. National Institutes of Health grants, () grants. Again, these are NIH grants for the National Institutes of Health. And I can see the format of the front form that is always filled. And I see him compiling them, all these publications in there () publications. And then someone else brings another grant also; they are comparing, and then a storm hits. A very big storm hits so we run, I run also to close the windows. It’s very massive. Some people escaped through the right-hand side, there is a () back door. And they run into, they run under a truck and a lot of debris is falling and together with an earthquake. I see an earthquake shaking, and I see the truck—there is an earthquake that also has been prophesied for USA. I see it. I don’t know whether the two (2) come together or separately. But the earthquake shakes until a truck falls, trucks are falling down. But we run to close—I run myself to close a door. There is a door that has two (2) units: the lower unit and the upper unit. So the lower unit was locked, the upper unit was open. So I run and we struggled to push this upper unit to lock it also. And one of the persons that was with us escapes through the storm and it’s coming. I don’t know whether it’s—it looks like this is snow. And then a lot of debris; a lot of things like wooden are falling. So the falling of those wooden things could have been a shaking of an earthquake also. And people are running; the things are falling on them. I do not know if this is a second storm going to strike them, but mixed with an earthquake, or they are separated. You know that there is a major earthquake coming to Washington D.C.—THE LORD has spoken very eloquently about it—that will strike the Capitol, the Cathedral, the Monument, the Capitol Hill, and will also shake the White House; shake the city, essentially. There is that prophecy and judgment that has been spoken. But now I see another here; we are rushing. People are applying for NIH grants they are supposed to submit, they are compiling on one table. Can see the form that is put on top there; ticking the things you have complied with. And then the storm hits so we run to close, there is a door with a lower and upper unit. The lower unit was locked but we run to lock the upper unit. And then one of the people there escapes though the storm; it looks like it’s falling with snow. And then another person escapes with a back door. But a lot of wooden stuff fall on him as he, he enters under a truck beginning to escape. The LORD is asking for repentance. THE MESSIAH is coming. Thank you. Visit Site For More Prophecies In Jesus' Name!
Salvation Prayer
LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins. Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today. I turn away from all sin and I receive you in my heart today as my LORD and SAVIOR. Please write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness and establish Your Word in my heart and protect my heart. In the Mighty Name of JESUS, I am Born Again today. Amen
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